Banyumas traditional musical art also has its own uniqueness compared with other Javanese musical arts, including:
Calung, is a musical instrument made of bamboo strips are laid crosswise and is played by being hit. Banyumas typical music device made of bamboo wulung similar to Javanese gamelan, consisting of barung xylophone, xylophone successor, dhendhem, kenong, gongs and drums. There was also Gong Sebul so named because it sounds like a gong issued but is played by blowing (Java Language: disebul), the tool is also made of bamboo with a large size. In a presentation accompanied by a vocalist calung commonly called sinden. Presented as a musical arranger-gending gending Banyumasan, gending Banyumasan style, Surakarta, Yogyakarta and are often served pop songs are re-arranged.
Kenthongan (some called tek-tek), is a musical instrument made of bamboo. Kenthong is the main tool, a piece of bamboo which were elongated hole is played by his side and hit with a short wooden stick. Kenthongan played in groups of about 20 people and is equipped with drum, fife, and led by a majorette kecrek. In one group kenthongan, Kenthong used to produce some kind of harmonious sound.
Salawatan Java, which is one breath of Islamic art music with the Javanese musical form of flying. In the performing arts presents songs taken from the book of litany.
bongkel, which is a kind of traditional angklung music equipment, but consists of four blades barreled slendro.
Music kenthongan over time is currently a special music Banyumas, Central Java. which has been modified by musical instruments supporting, with the intention that there fariasi beautiful tone. kenthongan music is usually played by 10 people to 30 people, one person holding a musical instrument. This art is often displayed in Banyumas not only during carnival birthday Banyumas, in the race too often in the performing arts held. one group of Banyumas kenthongan has ever appeared in Europe in the cultural arena. Banyumas art is not just a local name in even flinch at the national level is often used as an opening in each activity, such as seminars, theater, workshops, etc.. Kenthongan modified similar to the West Javanese angklung musical instrument, plus a drum made of a plastic drum covered with used car tires, there is a tambourine as well as aligning and made of bamboo guitar, flute and "teplak" as a complementary instrument kenthongan.
I am a student who would love the arts, culture their own country, even though I grew up Batak lands but my love of art Banyumas (kenthongan) has been ingrained in your body is tiny. though not many achievements at least I was with comrades had mengenalakan Banyumas art to various cities, such as: tegal, Semarang, Jakarta, meadow, pontianak, jambi, pekalongan and much more. Last time we introduced the arts to the region Kenthongan Banyumasan Eastern Indonesia (Ambon).even if the old school look kenthongan sandingkan the modern era of musical instruments but the quality of the resulting tone is no less competitive, in fact, the visitors were gathered together unto berbodong that we bring the arts to attend. dear loved art was nearly lost his own ground, the next generation would prefer to be a band member of the group members to melestarikanya kenthongan.
Barely there, local governments were still less responsive to the culture you have, the craftsmen kenthongan appliance makers are still many who lack the capital to preserve the musical arts Banyumas.
in Group kenthongan consisting of 30 people not including nets dancers who accompany the musical arts, particularly in young women prefer Joged Banyumas in front of the stage and in clubs, rather than exploring herself as a dancer in order to preserve the art Banyumas.
Hopefully kenthongan art is timeless and continues to explore all corners of the country. not then cuddled-buckle after the other and took melebelinya with their name, it is enough reog ponorogo batik and in the claims as belonging to another Nation. hopefully we can continue to preserve it so that our grandchildren will be. (zie punk )
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